l MerkulovMX


Projects of the truth seeking programmer


Website of the beauty salon "Madyko"

The beauty salon Madyko

I made this website for the beauty salon "Madyko" in 2017. The website applied to the automatic generation of picture mosaics from the folder with images. As well as the next web elements: slider, map, adaptive menu, and popup objects with tables. The main problem was that difficult to understand how to get to the beauty salon. Here are pictures with elements of the website that helped to guide clients to the beauty salon place. I was interested in this website. Finally, I was happy when the website attracted new clients.

Site inactive from 2019

Website for the lawyer company "Avtoyurist"

Lawyer company Avtoyurist

This was the one-page website that I created for the lawyer company "Avtoyurist" in 2013. This web site was convenient because it had the menu scroll by site buttons click and custom-designed web-interface. I was delighted about the easy-to-use of this website and effective the search queries results. The project closed in 2016. By the link, you can see the latest version

Go to the site

Website for the company "Kreativ-klub"

Here was the website that I created for the private kindergarten "Kreativ-klub" in 2016. This web site was extensive. I was interested to do the colorful and easy-to-use website. The project closed in 2016. In the video, you can see the latest version

Layla - Intellectual Counter

This was the application for Android that I made it for me and my friends. It helped maintain statistics when we played in the board games. For example in the Munchkin, I applied it with pleasure, because we didn't have a notepad and it was easy-to-use. The project closed in 2015. In the video, you can see how application worked.

Go to the download link